Our comprehensive range of repair, maintenance and monitoring services can enhance the performance, reliability and lifetime of nuclear reactor steam turbines.
Increased efficiency
Improved reliability
Higher flexibility
Planned and unplanned outages
Leveraging our extensive installed base, we continuously invest in our steam turbines services solutions to ensure we keep things running.
We repair, monitor and extend the lifecycle of power plants across Europe, Asia and Africa, supporting a wide range of own and other manufacturer’s equipment.
Our expert service team has the technical knowledge to deliver plant equipment upgrades with the latest technology, improving power output, efficiency and reliability. We can customize a solution to increase the output, improve emissions or enhanced operational flexibility.
We have the global experience to replace older components in power plants with modern equipment, extending the lifecycle, reliability and output efficiency. Our team will create customized solutions for your needs.
Steam turbine condition monitoring
Our model-based torsional vibration monitoring and diagnostics system offers health monitoring of the turbine’s shaft line for focused outage planning. The advisor enables real-time insight into stresses and vibration amplitudes in all critical locations along the rotor, using a combination of state-of the-art signal processing technology and physical model results.
Permanent monitoring of the torsional vibration helps to assess the potential impact on the fatigue of shafts and components. Unmonitored torsional vibration resonances may lead to a higher risk of rotor cracks in cycling operation modes.